
I live in a small town in the northwestern United States.

This evening, I met a friend for drinks. We had not seen each other in a while, and thought we’d catch up. My friend is a good person but, like many in the US and Europe, is more than a little cucked.

I took the bus home. As I boarded it, I involuntarily said, “What the fuh…” and caught myself before I finished the word. On the left side of the bus were 4 foreign women in hajibs, with two Moslem men sitting up one level and behind them. Across from the two men were two other Moslem women not visible in the photo. The man in the aisle seat was talking to the two Moslem across the aisle from him in heavily accented English.

Why did I notice that fact in an (ostensibly) English-speaking country? Because these people are from many different Islamic countries and English is the one functional language they have in common.

Western Europe and North America are experiencing a coordinated invasion from multiple Islamic countries.

This is obvious to anyone reading this. However, we all know people who are so cucked they don’t know which way is up. The best way I’ve found to help people uncuck themselves is to say at the outset that I’m not trying to change their point of view, but I am simply trying to explain mine.

In any event, I told the wog with his feet in the aisle to move them as I got off the bus.

These people have to go back to where they came from. There is no common ground. It is them or us, in a zero-sum game.

Moslems are our enemies.


Invaders In Calais

The Narrative™ tells us that these people “made their way” to Calais just like they “make their way” to wherever they show up.

But they didn’t walk to Calais from the Middle East and Africa.

Who paid for their transportation from the Middle East? Who paid (and continues to pay) for all those trains from Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Austria, Germany, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, the Baltics, etc. etc. etc.?

Each one of these jihadists eats several meals each day. Who is feeding them? Where do these jihadists sleep? Who is providing the shelter? Who provides them with water? Cell phones? Cash? Clothing and shoes?

The answer to these and other questions will tell you who the real enemy is. The jihadists must be removed from Europe and North America and returned to Islamic countries, there can be no question about that. But the institutions that are behind this must be disbanded and the people responsible for it tried and executed for treason. No matter which institutions, no matter which people.

The Great Uncucking

The Great Awakening refers to several periods of Christian revival in the United States. With that in mind, I suggest that we may be on the verge of what I call The Great Uncucking.

Like churches in Europe and the Roman Catholic Church (((globally))), all Christian denominations in the US are currently cucked. Of course, this was accelerated by the Vatican II Council in the 1960s. Since Vatican II, every denomination has shrunk faster than the overall change in demographics. Put another way, white people have been leaving the churches in droves since the 1960s.

Never before in history has the Christianity simply declined. Sure, some Christian areas have been conquered and Christians have been persecuted, but for Christianity to simply collapse is unprecedented. And it’s not that religion itself is in decline. On the contrary, the violent, (((global))) expansion of Islam demonstrates that religion in general is expanding, not contracting.

Theologically speaking, it is conceptually impossible for the church to decline if it is doing God’s will [just as, for example, it is conceptually impossible to imagine a round square]. And yet the church is very much in decline. Therefore, the church is not doing God’s will and has not been doing so since Vatican II. The concept of repentance (which appears to derive from French “repenser” or “rethink”) has largely been absent from our churches for many years. Sure, the term is often still used, but it is used as a tool by the clergy to urge their congregations ever Leftward.

It is the churches themselves that need to repent. More specifically, it is the clergy of every major denomination that ought to rethink what they have done to the church. But they won’t because it isn’t in their interests to do so.

Just like a burglar isn’t going to dress like the Hamburgler, the Devil is not going to present himself as a stereotype of evil. No, he will approach you as a friend. That has happened to the church just as it has happened to the rest of our institutions.

The worst offenders, that is the most Satanic, of the churches in the US are the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of North America. Those two receive the largest sums of federal money to import [i.e. cuck] Islam into the United States. These two organizations have been paid hundreds of millions of dollars by the federal government to implement UN migration policies. Those policies are decided by Islamic bureaucrats at the UN. Since one cannot serve both God and Mammon, our fully cucked churches serve Mammon. Indeed, it is a condition of receipt of the federal money that the churches not proselytize. In other words, the money is contingent on the churches not functioning as churches. The poison has been deeply internalized. You can see this by perusing the websites and course catalogues of every seminary of all of the so-called “mainstream” denominations in the US, and presumably elsewhere.

It is axiomatic on the far/alt/neo/what-have-you Right that Democracy is a very big part of the problem. The decline of our societies cannot be reversed by democratic means. But that does not mean that democratic means cannot be used to initiate such a reversal.

If Donald Trump becomes president (and that is a big if because, being unprincipled, the Left will stop at nothing to prevent him from becoming president), I am absolutely certain that he will immediately end the Islamification of the country. Part of that will entail cutting off the Episcopal, Lutheran and other churches from the hundreds of millions of dollars in federal money that they are currently relying on to stay solvent.

When that federal money is cut off, the rent-seeking SJWs who currently control the churches and seminaries will lose their jobs. They will lose their jobs because in order to remain solvent without federal money, churches will have to appeal to their traditional base for funding. And that traditional base is uncucked, traditional white families. Already, SJW clergy are visibly nervous. Being SJWs, they are doubling down on their pro-Islamic, “welcoming” (which is to say, feminized) theology. They may be seeing the handwriting on the wall, albeit probably not consciously. Doubling down is a trait of Leftists that can be used against them to great effect when situations change. The more they double down during the Great Uncucking, the more removed from reality, and hence the more vulnerable, they become. Tar and feathers await them.

So I am guardedly optimistic. It’s going to be an interesting year. But if Trump does make it, I believe that the Great Uncucking may soon begin.

Obama Addresses Mosque

Obama’s whistling, reptile-like, hissing is insufferable. In kowtowing to Islam, the president reveals his true values. He turns reality upside down, lifting up perpetrators as victims. This man identifies with Islam, not Christianity.

This man is calling on TV and other media to promote Islam. He quotes the Koran.

Muslims in the US have not been targeted by anyone, unlike Christians and others, who are regularly murdered by Muslims responding to the dictates of their savage, heathen religion.

Remove kebab or kebab will remove you.


Also, blood is thicker than water:

European Prediction: One Week From Tonight

One week from tonight is Carnival, traditionally a time of revelry, particularly in Catholic regions, before the austerity of Lent, which begins the next day.

It will be the first traditional night day/night of public revelry since New Year’s Eve, known as Silvester in Germany, although there will probably also be much public activity this coming weekend. The information about the scale of what really took place in Köln and other European cities on New Year’s Eve has been deliberately hidden, censored (HoGeSa’s website has vanished, while Cuckersperg cooperates with Merkel), or downplayed by our elites. But the truth eventually comes out.

European governments have been using their police forces to side with Moslem invaders against their own native populations in every Western European country, every time. Yet it is axiomatic that the individual members of the security forces are sympathetic to their compatriots.


– Next Tuesday there will be organized Islamic violence against native European women, particularly in Germany. All hell is going to break loose (although those of us not on scene may not know it due to media collusion with Islam);
– At least in some areas, organized European men will fight to protect native women from rape by invaders;
– The security forces will then have to make a choice which side to take: for or against their own countrymen, wives, girlfriends, sisters, mothers, and daughters. Where extremes are closest (think of an omega), there is no middle ground.

I imagine– dare I say hope?– that in at least some cases, the security forces will side with their civilian brothers.
